"El cuerpo es una envoltura: sirve, pues, para contener lo que luego hay que desenvolver. El desenvolvimiento es interminable. El cuerpo finito contiene lo infinito, que no es ni alma ni espíritu, sino el desenvolvimiento del cuerpo." (Jean-Luc Nancy, 58 Indicios sobre el cuerpo)
(d)olor atemporal
May 18-June 29
@ Prairie Chicago

my body is a bog 
olfactive lecture with Camila Marambio
May 22nd @ 6:30pm
@ Dia Chelsea

money ruined the world
: Nicolas Baird, A.L. Steiner, cy x (as hell hooks), and agustine zegers, curated by Anna Muselmann
April 16 @ 7:30pm
@ Center for Performance Research NYC

Cauleen Smith: Wanda Coleman Songbook
bespoke fragrance immersion
curated by Ebony L. Haynes
@ 52 Walker NYC

nuevas perspectivas y aproximaciones para conocer a las turberas
@ Canelo Estudio

laboratorio de imaginación terrícola: efecto panorama
@ Campus U.C. Villarrica

somatic smellscaping
@ Abrons Art Center | The School of Making and Thinking

minimal scents

@ Olfactory Art Keller NYC

rot sensorium
i wanna be with you everywhere
@ Performance Space NYC

cosmic gnosis
olfactory contribution for Camila Marambio as part of Ecosex and the City by Beth Stephens & Annie Sprinkle
@ Performance Space NYC

Ensayos residency: Bogwater
@ Sappho Room, Amenia NY

In, From, and With
@ Murmurs Cafe L.A.

Turba Tol Hol-Hol Tol
Curated by Camila Marambio
@ Chilean Pavillion, La Biennale de Venezia, Venice

Oceanic Thinking
Curated by Peta Rake
@ University of Queensland Art Museum, Queensland

and so on
curated by Katho Cho
@ das weisse haus, Vienna

Virtual Bodies
@ Chinretsukan Gallery, Tokyo

Queer:Art Mentorship with Constantina Zavitsanos
@ Queer:Art NYC

Visionary Ecologies Seminar
With Cecilia Vicuña and Colectivo Ronda
@ Remote

Ritual Scent Activation
For Cecilia Vicuña’s Spin, Spin Triangulene with Ensayos
@ Guggenheim, New York NY

Disability, Debility, and Form Working Group
With Mae Eskenazi and Lukaza Branfman-Verissimo
@ University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia PA

Artist Lecture: Olfactory Dives


Doing Language: Word Work
Curated by Nontsikelelo Mutiti + Egbert Vongmalaithong
@ICA VCU, Richmond VA

olfato interespecie
“Ver bajo el agua: diálogos sobre percepciones turbias”
@Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Chile

agenciamientos olorosos / the agency of scent
Fall 2021 TANDA Cohort
@ Chiquimarca Gallery, Chicago IL

Colossus Residency
@ Studio Two Three, Richmond VA

In, From & With: Exploring Collaborative Survival
With Grace Denis, Sean Parker Roy & Aidan Koch
@ Inland