Breathing is touching at the mucosal lining. Every act of smell is inmost, allowing of power’s touch. Not just at its apex but in the real intimacy of the unseen. It is fed and inhaled. It lives in alveoli, with our cells, connecting us inextricably. Power is a discreet and penetrating breath, constant, inseparable, and blended with our bodily functions.

Plenitude. I am overwhelmed by meaning. Every time I breathe, the rhythm is natural, fluid. It fuses action. I became aware of my ‘cosmic lung.’ I enter into the total rhythm of the world. The world is my lung.” (Lygia Clark, The Abandonment of Modern Art)
(d)olor atemporalan olfactive collapse of ancient life and time materialized through portals of petroleum ontologies.

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corriente etérica

a somatic practice incorporating olfactory elements. we follow the currents pulsating through our bodies as channels of inter- and intra-habitat connections from our own holobiont to that of the submarine cables that host our telecommunications along the ocean floor—encountering aqueous and plastified kinship through them.

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odorant peatlands
turberas olorosas
a scent edition encapsulating four peatland geographies, produced as an iteration of a prolonged, entangled, and decentralized engagement with the smellscapes of global Peatlands initiated by the collective Ensayos

+ PDF: english / spanish

turba tol hol-hol tolin co-creation with the Ensayos collective: a submersion into and an offering to peatlands, observing the smellscapes of extractivism, sphagnum dives, beaver dams, and more. anchored in the bogs of karukinka, tierra del fuego; and bog hollow, new york

counter-cartographies of smell
    a collectively gathered institutional scent map and olfactory distillation produced for a routinely deodorized space with an underbelly of licorice, plywood, hydraulic oil, vegetality, and clorox

a gentle excavation

a historically accurate olfactory depiction of RESORT gallery’s building as a past florist shop—harkening back to 19th c. commerce ecologies.

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an artist multiple and longform investigation into soybean trade networks across the global north/south, paying particular attention to the role of trade agreements in transnational border relationships

+ Gas Gallery LA
+ Prairie Chicago

micro ecosistema plástico-planta, instalación olfativa de líquenes, sistema de alimentación de musgo. una inmersión al rol de los plásticos en la ecología capitalocénica

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an instructional piece that questions the deployment of european hygiene practices and its relationship to coloniality and commerce. as executed with: larvae, dog spit, human spit, dirt, multispecies hair, and more, across different geographies.

+ Virtual Bodies JPN
+ Fermenting Feminism CAN
+ Fermenting Feminism book